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You’ll be comforted if you put on the garment of trust and faith. Panic, fear, and despair have no relationship with God’s plan for us. Trust and obey is what he calls us to do every moment of our lives. In every circumstance; good or bad God wants us to trust and believe in him.

In believing and trusting in him we come to see the glory of God. This current panic mode many have adopted because of the coronavirus pandemic will lead to more pain. It has no relationship to God’s divine plan.

By being anxious and fretful, we can accomplish nothing. If we trust and believe in God, he’ll bring an end to this pandemic sooner than expected. He has done it before and he will do it again.

you'll be comforted
Image by: Dimitris Vetsikas

In Job 38: 4-7, God has a series of questions for Job. In verse 4, he asked Job, “Where was thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare if thou has understanding.” When we meet with circumstances beyond our abilities we need not be anxious or fretful. Since we do not know how the foundations of the earth were laid, we should remain calm.

In such circumstances, you’ll be comforted if you take it to the Lord in prayer.

You’ll be comforted if you have faith

You’ll be comforted if you listen to and learn from the story of Jesus and the Centurion. This is evident in Luke 7: 6-7. The Centurion, a Roman citizen was a man who loved his nation. Yet he built synagogues for the Jewish people with his own money.

Now he had a challenge. His bondservant who he valued highly was sick. This bondservant was at the point of death. The centurion had heard about Jesus. He had to send some Jewish elders to Jesus requesting him to come and make his bondservant well.

He had faith that Jesus could make his bondservant well. Jesus heeded the request of the Jewish elders and decided to go to the Centurions house. Something dramatic happened. The Centurion exhibited a high level of faith.

He sent people to Jesus as Jesus was on the way to his house. The message to Jesus was simple: “Lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not sufficiently worthy to have you come under my roof; neither did I consider myself worthy to come to you. But just speak a word, and my servant boy will be healed.”

Jesus marveled at him but in the final analysis, the Centurion received comfort because of his faith. His bondservant became quite well before the messengers returned to the Centurion’s house.

I want to assure you, even in the panic surrounding this pandemic, you’ll be comforted if you have faith.

You’ll be comforted if you believe

I know you’ll be comforted if only you’ll believe in him. In John 11, Jesus did the impossible for the family of Mary and Martha. Let me share this story with you so you’ll be comforted.

Jesus loved this family. They had a relationship with Jesus yet their brother Lazarus was sick. They sent word to Jesus saying, “Lord he whom you love so well is sick.” Jesus knew they wanted him to come quickly yet he stayed away two more days.

I believe he wanted to teach them the power of trust and belief. He came to meet this family when their brother had died. As it is with our human nature, Martha ventilated her grief even as she trusted him. She said to Jesus, “Master if you had been here, my brother would not have died and even now I know that whatever you ask from God he will grant it to you.”

She believed in him. Yes, she trusted him and she was comforted. Even as her brother died, Jesus was able to bring him back to life again. He proved himself to be the resurrection and the life. He told her so in verse 25. This is what he said” I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in (adheres to, trusts in, and relies on) me, although he may die, yet he shall live.”

You’ll be comforted if you believe that Jesus is Lord over life and death. He is Lord over the unseen enemy called Coronavirus.

Coronavirus is a physical challenge

Since coronavirus is a physical challenge, I believe the scientists who trust and believe in God will have a cure soonest. The only question is when will that be? You’ll be comforted all the way if you have faith in God.

As a man, Jesus wept for Lazarus but as God, he raised him from the dead. The physical and the spiritual must be in agreement before one can experience a miracle.

There are things only God can do. He alone gives wisdom. We must go back to him and ask for the wisdom to find a cure for this pandemic. As we remove this garment of panic, let us put on the garment of prayer. Let us ask God to lead while we follow. Let us pray.


O, God our help in ages past,

You are the God of life and nothing is difficult for you to do,

You ask us to call on you that you’ll answer,

Save us from fear of Coronavirus disease for you assured us that you are the resurrection and the life,

Give wisdom and inspiration to our scientists so they can find a cure for this pandemic.

Console all public servants feeling despair and are overwhelmed by this pandemic, may they find hope in you,

Forgive us our sins and heal the sick for we all have sinned against thee.

We come into your presence with hope believing you’ll answer our prayers through Jesus Christ our redeemer. Amen.

Charles is a storyteller of fast-paced suspense thrillers


    • Rev Br Okoye Anthony

    • 5 years ago

    Thanks very much, Mr Charles, for your gift and the passion to write and share your gift. You are truly inspired and I encourage you to remain open to the action of the spirit. God bless you abundantly.

      • Charles Onwugbene

      • 5 years ago

      Thank you, Brother. In him, we live, move and have our being. Without him, I am nothing.

    • Rev Fr Solomon Odinukwe

    • 5 years ago

    This is very inspiring, thoughtful and hopeful. May Jesus deliver us from this pandemic.

      • Charles Onwugbene

      • 5 years ago

      Amen. Thank you, father for your prayers.

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